A studio space
with help-on-hand if required.
My first wheel was a kick-wheel which I think was given to me about 30 years ago. I took a few classes in Ceramics at Bath City College …and I was hooked!
I upgraded to a Venco electric wheel but frankly this has spent as much time in storage over the years as it has out. Between babies and working as a teacher, moving and renovating houses, and finally running a B&B I simply never had the time or the space. I always longed for a studio. The utility room was ok (when we had one), then a garden shed (too small) and then the garage (too cold). I’ve been to many classes and workshops and spent many years in between doing nothing at all.
Two years ago we moved to Marshfield and bought our new home which included the butcher’s shop. As it happens a butcher’s shop makes a fine pottery studio and we have turned it into the workspace I’ve always wanted with two electric kilns, a second (Shimpo) wheel, a slab roller, tools for throwing and hand building and a large variety of brush on glazes for stoneware and earthenware clays.
I hope Pots will be much more than just my studio and for half the week the workshop is available to all those looking to have a go or develop an existing love of clay. Ceramics is unlike other creative forms - painting, textiles, writing for example can all be done anywhere. But ceramics is messy and requires tools, equipment and space.
I’m not known for being chilled, but messing with clay and particularly throwing, is how I feel most relaxed. I look forward to helping you get started or watching and learning new skills from you if you are already on the road.
Catherine x